Review On Spyware - A Malware Detection Using Datamining
Mrs. Pushpa, S.Santhiya, Dr. Kalpana Sharma "Review On Spyware - A Malware Detection Using Datamining". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V60(3):157-160 June 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Nowadays computers are being threatened to unknown malware activities when it is connected to network. (i.e.) in system, malicious software is downloaded and installed without users knowledge. Malicious software is the one which have an intention to harm the system such as slow downing the network performance, increasing the electricity bill or to get confidential information including bank credit card number, login password details in order to misuse, to have a control over users by screen monitoring and key logger to track key or content typed by user. After gaining or processing, all such information is send to hacker by means of this software. One major type of malware is spyware. Spyware is one kind of malicious software act as spy and help hackers to steal personal information to misbehave. This paper presents the high definition , description of malware , its types and data mining concept which pave the way to detect and remove the malware mainly spyware with its tools and techniques.
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Spyware , Data Mining .