Comparative Study on Classification Algorithms for Plant Leaves Disease Detection
S.Dhivya, Dr.R.Shanmugavadivu "Comparative Study on Classification Algorithms for Plant Leaves Disease Detection". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V60(2):115-119 June 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Image Segmentation is one of the important research areas in plant leaf disease detection. Many researchers proposed several methods in the field of agricultural area for segmenting the leaf diseases. The plant leaves are affected mostly by fungi, bacteria and viruses. When the one part of the leaf is attacked and the other part of the leaf is also infected. Here, the main task is the detection of various Leaf diseases in plant leaves. This paper proposed an algorithm for image segmentation which is used for detection and classification of plant leaf diseases. It also surveys various leaf diseases and classification techniques that are used for leaf disease detection. Image Segmentation is one of the important feature for detecting the diseases in plant leaf diseases is done by using K nearest neighbor, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN).
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Image segmentation, Plant Leaf Diseases, K nearest neighbor and Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN).