A Framework for Electronic Services Integrationand Seamless E-Services Delivery in Nigeria Public Sector
Oyefolahan, I.O., Ganiyu, S.O., Babakano, F. J., Zubairu, H. A., Etuk, S. O. "A Framework for Electronic Services Integrationand Seamless E-Services Delivery in Nigeria Public Sector". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V59(1):1-7, May 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
The network of computing facilities engineered by the invention of the internet has significantly transformed the mode of service delivery in the public sector from traditional -location and time- based mode to electronic- boundaryless and timeless- mode which aims at facilitating efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. In a developing and mono-economy nation like Nigeria where oil production is the main source of revenue and where slight variation in the price of oil do cause significant impact on the economy, internally generated revenue is seen as a strong point of leverage where negative impacts arising from variations in crude price can be mitigated by revenue generated from public sector services to the citizens. Thus, in attaining ease, transparency and inclusiveness;revolutionizing the service electronically (e-service) becomes important. This paper provides a strategic framework aiming at guiding the deployment of e-services as part of egovernment in Nigeria. The needed interrelationship and communication essential for efficient and effective e-service delivery among existing government agencies were delineated and the additional infrastructure required for the collaboration leading to good service delivery were described.
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Web Service Applications, Government Agencies, E-Services, E-Service Framework, Nigeria