Analysis on DDoS Attacks and Solutions in Virtualized Cloud Environment
Dr. Amit Kr. Chaturvedi, Punit Kumar, Dr. Kalpana Sharma "Analysis on DDoS Attacks and Solutions in Virtualized Cloud Environment". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V58(2):76-81, April 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Cloud computing offers the services at SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS layers on “pay-per-use” basis. There are two major advantages of shifting on cloud computing, one is access of service online from anywhere and anytime and the second is the scalability i.e. users can demand the VMs, Storage, Servers, etc as much as required. The cloud servers will provide the resources as per the requirements of the users. The attackers are using these two qualities i.e. access of service from anywhere , anytime and scalability for attacking on the data saved on the server or the user’s data. In this paper, we have presented a study on the strategies of attack using bot-nets, DDoS attacks, and solutions proposed for the prevention from such attacks. The future of the botclouds is also discussed in this paper.
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Botnet, Botcloud, cloudcomputing, cybercriminal, virtualization, virtual machine, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, resource pooling.