RFID Based Adhaar Card
Mrs. R. Angeline, Aditya Sharma, Ahitagnee Paul, Saurav Sanyal, "RFID Based Adhaar Card". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V58(1):25-28, April 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
The proposed model aims for designing and developing an AADHAR card based on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. As the AADHAR is a unique identity number associated with every citizen of India, the main idea of integrating the RFID system with the existing AADHAR card is to automate the delivery of various government schemes and services to the authenticated users. All the government agencies, organizations and institutions can implement this technology. Since AADHAR database already has the personal information and the Biometrics of the cardholder, it will eliminate the use of separate biometric verification. This would reduce additional costs on technological resource and work force. The RFID card emits a wave in the radio frequency range, which the RFID sensor would detect. The sensor would be connected to a central computer to record and send the live feed to the authentication portal of UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India). The authentication message would be sent back to confirm the authenticity without sending any background details. This technology can be combined with the Public Transportation System, Public Distribution System (PDS), Driving Licenses, and Government Hospitals and in voting systems, which currently use EVMs (Electronic Voting Machine).
[1]Multipurpose Card Using RFID technology, J.Subhash M.E., S. Gayathri, D. Gayathri,Assistant Professor, Department of E.C.E., V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur
[2]IJARCCE,Smart Adhaar Card with RFID Nawal Kishor1, Kalpana Dwivedi2, Veer BhadraPratap Singh Yadav3, Student, Computer Science, 1,NIET, Gr. Noida, India 2, Asst. Professor, Computer Science, NIET, Gr. Noida, India 3, Asst. Professor, Computer Science, NIET, Gr. Noida, India
[3]IJERT, Secure Travel System Using Aadhaar Card PratikshaDivase,AshwiniThopate Priyanka Salunkhe, Prof. JayshreeChaudhari, (Department of Com,puter Science, Pune University,India).
[4]https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/instead-ofaadhaar- now-submit-virtual-id-to-protect-your-privacy/storyeIsFwFnCG9oImArFQJiELJ. html
[5]http://blog.microsave.net/harnessing-the-potential-of-aadhaarvia- digitisation/
Rfid, Uidai, Aadhar, Pds, Evm.