Analysis and Design Information System Personal Financial Management Based on Android
Riad Sahara, Hendra Prastiawan, Ahmad Adi Pratama "Analysis and Design Information System Personal Financial Management Based on Android". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V57(1):1-5, March 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Android Operating System is the most widely used operating system. It can provide great potential for software developers to create applications running on the Android Operating System on managing financial matter. Financial issues are a problem that every Android user can experience in which it creates an opportunity for application developers to create applications on financial management. With this financial design system is expected Android users can make financial records easily and can monitor their personal finances. It is expected that this design system can become a personal financial advisor to Andorid users and the community around.
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personal financial management, android, financial recording.