State of ICT Waste Treatment in Developing Countries and Proposals : Case of Chad
MBAIOSSOUM Bery Leouro, MAHAMAT Atteib Doutoum, DIONLAR Lang "State of ICT Waste Treatment in Developing Countries and Proposals : Case of Chad". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V56(1):54-59, February 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
The consumption of the different products of information and communication technologies produces waste called e-waste that is more or less harmful for the environment and the human being. How is this waste collected and treated in developing countries like Chad? This article answers this question and proposes some ways for an appropriate treatment of this type of waste. Some metals with dangerous properties are presented.
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ICT, waste, environment, heavy metals, waste treatment