Novel Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Data Collection in Event Based Wireless Sensor Network
Hemappa B, Dr. Manjaiah D H, Dr. Rabindranath Bera."Novel Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Data Collection in Event Based Wireless Sensor Network"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V3(6):581-584 Issue 2012 .ISSN Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract: -In this paper we propose an energy efficient Aggregation Node selection for event data collection and a novel MAC protocol. We have integrated these two algorithms in wireless sensor network to extend the lifetime of the network. Our protocol is designed for event-driven and low power embedded sensor networks. Idle listening for radio traffic is more expensive compared to sending the sensed data in wireless sensor network. In an event driven sensor network multiple sensors may detect the same event and all of them contend for medium access to transmit the data, and it may lead to network congestion and retransmission of a packet. Our proposed wireless sensor network selects the Aggregation Node to collect the event data from all the event affected nodes. Aggregation Node computes the energy efficient wakeup schedule of event affected nodes to shorten the idle listening, to avoid the control packet overhead and to cut down the energy wastage. Segment the data into smaller packets to reduce the cost of retransmission. After receiving the message the routing algorithm will identify the next node based on the sleep schedule and residual energy to transmit the message and proposed MAC contends to access the medium. Simulation results shows that, our combined routing and energy efficient MAC protocol for event-driven wireless sensor network concedes higher efficiency and reduce the latency than existing approaches.
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KeywordsAdaptive sleeping, event-driven, routing, MAC, aggregation.