Cloud Computing: A CRM Service Based on a Separate Encryption and Decryption using Blowfish algorithm
![]() | International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) | ![]() |
© - Issue 2012 by IJCTT Journal | ||
Volume-3 Issue-4 | ||
Year of Publication : 2012 | ||
Authors :G.Devi, M.Pramod Kumar |
G.Devi, M.Pramod Kumar"Cloud Computing: A CRM Service Based on a Separate Encryption and Decryption using Blowfish algorithm "International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V3(4):1011-1016 Issue 2012 .ISSN Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract: -Cloud computing is a distributive computation task on the resource pool which consists of massive computers. LMS experiences with Cloud and Managed Cloud Service provider are due to numerous factors. Availability means that the services are available even when quite a number of nodes fail.Cloud services are provided by many IT companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and An enterprise usually store data in local storage and then tries to protect the information from other external source. They also provide authentication at certain fixed level. To overcome this limitation, we are presenting some approaches that do not require full dependency on the external security provider. Storing the data in encrypted form is a common method of data privacy security. If a cloud system is responsible for both tasks on storage and encryption/decryption of data, the system administrators may simultaneously hold encrypted data and decryption keys. This allows them to access information without authorization and thus poses a threat to information privacy[1]. A LMS (Learning Management System) service is described in this project using Blowfish algorithm. It promotes more accessibility to LMS service providers to send their training modules and syllabus via Internet at any point of the hour much more efficiently. This gives rise to reduced cost of hardware and software tools, which in return would scale-up the e-learning environment. In the existing system RSA algorithm used. It requires more computation time for large volumes of data. To reduce this computation time we are using Blowfish algorithm. The LMS Service utilizes three cloud systems, including an encryption and decryption system, a storage system, and LMS application system.
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KeywordsWireless Sensor Network (WSN); Speech-recognition, Power-Point; ARM7 based LPC2148 MC