Web Mining Privacy using Advanced DSA – Spatial LBS Case Study
![]() | International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) | ![]() |
© - Issue 2012 by IJCTT Journal | ||
Volume-3 Issue-3 | ||
Year of Publication : 2012 | ||
Authors :Dr.K.Venkateswar Rao, Dr.M.Sreenivasa Rao |
Dr.K.Venkateswar Rao, Dr.M.Sreenivasa Rao "Web Mining Privacy using Advanced DSA – Spatial LBS Case Study"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V3(3):1011-1016 Issue 2012 .ISSN 2231-2803.www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract: -Web mining is new area of research in information technology; so many business applications that utilize data mining and text mining techniques to extract useful business information on the web have emerged from web searching to web mining. It is important for students to acquire knowledge and hands on experience in web mining during their education. In order to effectively utilize the power of web, information technology professional need to have sufficient knowledge and experience in various web technologies and applications. Recently many large companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, e-Bay have opened access to their services and data through Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). In education, these APIs provide an ideal playground for students to acquire a valuable experience in leveraging the APIs to build interesting web mining applications. With the advent of the World Wide Web, many business applications that utilize data and text techniques to extract useful business information on the Web have evolved from Web searching. This paper reports on an experience using open Web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that have been made available by major Internet companies (e.g., Google, Amazon, and eBay) in a project to teach Web applications. The observations of the performance and a survey of the APIs show that we achieve project objectives and acquire valuable experience in leveraging the APIs to build interesting Web applications. We build website called “Executive DashBoard” an e-business idea: provide a platform for users to gather specifically useful information for their special products to sell or buy. DashBoard could provide complete production information, such as retail prices on Amazon, auction prices and seller details on eBay, and hot news of certain items from Google. The Web Services paradigm promises to enable rich flexible and dynamic interoperation of highly distributed, heterogeneous network enabled services.
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Keywords—Semantic Web, Spatial Web mining, Scientific Data Mining, Privacy, Advanced Digital Signature Standards.