Automation of Network Protocol Analysis
keerthi Manchikanti ,J Shiva Prashanth, Vishnu Murthy G."Automation of Network Protocol Analysis "International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V3(3):1050 -1053 Issue 2012 .ISSN Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract: -This paper “Automation of Network Protocol Analysis” is mainly aimed to automate the entire process. Starting from sniffing the network packets till the validation of it has been taken care. Here we have automated the logging part through a C program. Whenever packets will be transmitted from a system, Ethereal/Wireshark will be automatically invoked and start capturing the network packets. That will be stored in .pcap format automatically. To validate the contents the logic has been implemented to check particular pattern of packets or any specific string. The .pcap format will be converted into a text format so that the validation can be accomplished through parsing the entire Ethereal/Wireshark log. Based upon the parsing logic, pass/fail verdict will be indicated to user. The logic can always be extended depending upon the project requirements. The performance of the network is also calculated.
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Keywords:Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), fast Walsh– Fourier transform (FWFT), algorithm, Walsh–Hadamard transform (WHT).