A Routing-Driven Public-Key Cryptosystem Based Key Management Scheme for a Sensor Network
Satya Venkatesh Kadali, O.Srinivasa Rao, Dr MHM Krishna Prasad. "A Routing-Driven Public-Key Cryptosystem Based Key Management Scheme for a Sensor Network"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V2(2):254-257 - Sep to Oct Issue 2011 .ISSN 2231-2803.www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract: In homogeneous sensor networks, many-to-one traffic pattern dominates and hence a sensor may only communicate with a small portion of its neighbors. So, the homogeneous sensor networks have poor performance and scalability. Most existing key management schemes try to establish shared keys for all pairs of neighbor sensors, no matter whether these will communicate with each other or not, and this causes large overhead. This project proposes a novel routing-driven key management scheme, which establishes shared keys only for those neighboring sensors that communicate with each other by using RSA public-key algorithm along with Quantum Key Distribution Protocols (QKDPs). Quantum cryptography easily resists replay and passive attacks. Classical cryptography enables efficient key verification and user authentication. This work integrates the advantages of these two techniques along with QKDPs so that the eavesdroppers can be detected, replay attacks can be easily avoided. This project also proposes how user authentication and session key verification can be done in a single step process at the receiving end. .
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KeywordsSecurity, key management, sensor networks, Quantum Key Distribution Protocols (QKDPs).