Karyotyping Techniques of Chromosomes: A Survey
Revathy M Nair, Remya R S, Sabeena K "Karyotyping Techniques of Chromosomes: A Survey". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V22(1):30-34, April 2015. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Chromosome analysis is used by clinicians for the early detection, prognosis and treatment evaluation of genetic disorders like leukaemia, Down syndrome etc. The detection is done with the help of karyotypes. Karyotyping is a challenging and difficult task. So an automated system of karyotyping is needed for doing it in less time and with more accuracy. In literature various methods have been proposed for efficient and automated Karyotyping. But an accurate and more efficient computer assisted system needs further research and studies. In this paper we are making a survey of some of the methods for karyotyping in the literature proposed so far and critically reviewing them by listing the strengths and weakness of each of them.
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Chromosome, Metaphase, Karyotyping, Medial Axis, Feature Extraction, Classification