Connected Component Analysis and Change Detection for Images
| International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) | |
© May to June Issue 2011 by IJCTT Journal | ||
Volume-1 Issue-2 | ||
Year of Publication : 2011 | ||
Authors : Prasad S.Halgaonkar |
Prasad S.Halgaonkar "Connected Component Analysis and Change Detection for Images"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V1(2):224-227 May to June Issue 2011 .ISSN Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract: Detection of the region of change in images of a particular scene or object taken at different time gap is of widespread interest due to a large number of applications in various disciplines. Some of the important applications of change detection include Video surveillance, medical diagnosis and treatment, civil infrastruct ure, underwater sensing etc. In this paper, describe d is a two - scan labeling algorithm whereby, unlike the classical approach, equivalences are processed during the first pass in order to determine the correct state of equivalence classes at each time of t he scan. This is obtained by merging classes as soon as a new equivalence is found, the data structure used to support the merging being a simple 1D array. This approach allows the check for a conflict to be carried out on class identifiers rather than on labels, as instead it is mandatory with the classical algorithm. It has been show that this significantly improves the efficiency of the labeling process
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Keywordssingle sign - on ; authenticatio n; security; SS O; plug in