Extended SQL Aggregation for Database Transformation
Archana A. Chaudhari , Harmeet Kaur Khanuja "Extended SQL Aggregation for Database Transformation". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V18(6):272-275, Dec 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
To prepare a normalized data set from relational database for analysis requires significant efforts and it is time consuming task. The main reason is that, in general the database grows with many tables and views that must be joined, aggregated and transformed in order to build the required data set. As result, most of the SQL queries are written independently multiple times and in disorganize manner, which create problems in database evolution and software maintenance. To address this issue, we propose simple methods to generate SQL code to return aggregated columns in a horizontal tabular layout, where every row corresponds to an observation, instance or point (possibly varying over time) and every column is associated to a one variable or dimension. This new class of functions is called horizontal aggregations. Horizontal aggregations build data sets with a horizontal denormalized layout (e.g. point-dimension, observation variable, instance-feature) which is the standard layout required by most data mining algorithms. By providing these standard normalized data-set as an input to the Decision tree generation algorithm for generating Decision tree, similarly we can generate extended ER model.
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Data mining, Transformation, Aggregation, Data preparation, Pivoting