An Efficient Method to Identify the Most Frequent Item Sets Using Database Count Algorithm and Effective Aco Algorithm in a Peer to Peer Network
S.Veena, DR.P.Rangarajan "An Efficient Method to Identify the Most Frequent Item Sets Using Database Count Algorithm and Effective Aco Algorithm in a Peer to Peer Network". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V17(6):300-303, Nov 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
A peer-to-peer (P2P) network is one that does not have fixed clients and servers but a number of peer nodes that function as both clients and servers to the other nodes in the network. Association Rule Mining can be used for discovering hidden relationship between items stored in various nodes in the network . By given a user-specified threshold, also known as minimum support, the mining of association rules can discover the complete set of frequent patterns. In this paper, a Database count algorithm is used to mine the local frequent item sets and then generate the global frequent item sets from a Peer to peer network. Then the global item sets are optimized by using the Effective Ant colony Optimization algorithm to generate the most frequent item sets.
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Peer to Peer network, Database Count algorithm, Effective Ant Colony Optimization algorithm.