Efficient Data Transmission Using Energy Efficient Clustering Scheme for Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Network
Savitha.M , Dr. R.Manavalan. "Efficient Data Transmission Using Energy Efficient Clustering Scheme for Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Network". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V17(2):69-77, Nov 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Wireless Ad-hoc Sensor Network is characterized with low power, low computational capabilities and limited memory nodes. In WASN, secure routing protocols are used to protect against attacks. Partitioning the nodes into different cluster is one of the most effective methods to solve the problem of energy in Wireless Ad hoc Sensor Network. PLGP schemes with path attestations, increase the size of each packet, incur penalties in terms of bandwidth use, and radio power. The Energy Efficient Clustering Schemes (EECS) is introduced for reducing the energy consumption of the Ad hoc wireless sensor network as well as prolong the lifetime of the networks and preserve a balanced energy expenditure of nodes network. Clustering is a technique which selects the number of cluster head depends upon cluster nodes energy and the same is used to transfer the data. The proposed model is evaluated on Ad hoc on demand Distance Vector routing protocol and also compared with PLGP in terms of the parameters such as Throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio and Packet Delay Time.
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