Simulation of Jelly Fish Periodic Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Manjot Kaur , Malti Sarangal , Anand Nayyar ."Simulation of Jelly Fish Periodic Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Networks". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V15(1):20-22, Sep 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
The advancement in Wireless Communication have given arise to various Wireless Networks like Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETS), Wireless Sensor Networks and many more. MANET networks are vulnerable to various types of attacks and threats due to its unique characteristics like dynamic topology, Shared physical medium, distributed operations and many more. There are many attacks which effect the functioning of MANETS’ such as denial of service which is most commonly used to affect the network is one of the types of attacks in MANETS. Jellyfish attack has gained its name recently in attack scenario in Mobile Ad hoc networks. JellyFish Attack exploits the end to end congestion control mechanism of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
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