Improvement on LEACH: Seeded LEACH-KED
Preeti Sharma , Pankaj Kumar Verma , Surender Singh."Improvement on LEACH: Seeded LEACH-KED". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V11(4):151-155, May 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
This paper summarizes the work used to improve low energy adaptive cluster hierarchy (LEACH) algorithm and proposes a new protocol “Seeded LEACH-KED” in order to increase the network lifetime and then compare its result with the LEACH , LEACH-C and LEACH-KED. Prolonging network lifetime is the way to provide energy efficient WSNs. This research is inspired by the fact that LEACH occupies a very important position in the area of wireless sensor networks. Most of the hierarchical routing algorithms, aiming to prolonging network lifetime, have been derived from the LEACH.
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LEACH, WSN, Clustering.