A Procedural Performance Comparison of Soft Thresholding Techniques for Medical Image Denoising
Jyoti Sahu , Abha Choubey. "A Procedural Performance Comparison of Soft Thresholding Techniques for Medical Image Denoising". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V10(5):232-235 Apr 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
It is still a challenging problem for researchers to remove noise from medical image. To remove Noise from the images is not easy. Several algorithms are published and each approach has its advantages, and limitations. This paper presents some significant work in the area of image denoising and finds the one is better for image denoising. From the introduction we can conclude that the Multiwavelet Soft Thresholding technique is the best technique for image denoising. In this method Penalized method gives better result and performance.
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wavelet, Multiwavelet, Image denoising, Gaussian noise, Speckle noise Linear filters, Wavelet transform.