Decision Support System to Majoring High School Student Using Simple Additive Weighting Method
Dyah Pratiwi , Juliana Putri Lestari , Dewi Agushinta R."Decision Support System to Majoring High School Student Using Simple Additive Weighting Method ". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V10(3):153-159, Apr 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Decision choice problems occur in every age levels, including teen-age when students will go to higher school level education. Senior High School is the first level of education that student chooses and follows the majoring class of their interest. But students usually simply select the major not based on a careful consideration or reckoning. Therefore, Decision Support System that can help students in choosing majors is needed. The system will be developed as a web-based application program, using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method better known as the weighted sum method. This SAW method is used to generate the recommendation majoring result that will be given to students in a recommendation list majors, which sorted based on highest to lowest percentage result. This result can be a referable for students in choosing the majors.
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Decision Support System, Majors, SAW Method