Aim and Scope:

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) is a double-blind peer-reviewed international journal published by Seventh Sense Research Group, an international forum of researchers and experts involved in all aspects of computer trends and technology to publish high-quality research papers.

IJCTT aims to encourage researchers to publish their original, innovative, experimental, and theoretical research on the theory and methodologies central to computer science and technology. The journal also publishes the survey, short communications, and review articles from the experts to promote an insightful understanding of state-of-the-art technology and trends in computational science.

We encourage manuscripts that cover the areas which focus on new theories, ideas and developments in computer and related systems, solutions to the challenging problems in computational science, privacy and security provisions in computer systems / networks. Contributions are welcome across all the main areas of computer science listed above, but not limited to the topics listed on our Topics page.

We operate a rigorous double-blind peer review to ensure originality, innovation, relevance, and readability.


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12 issues per year.
Subject :  Computer Science and Technology

Published By: Seventh Sense Research Group ( SSRG )®