Ensuring Accountability for Data Sharing in Cloud
K. Rajendra Naidu , N.Naveen Kumar."Ensuring Accountability for Data Sharing in Cloud". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V9(4):181-183, March 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Cloud computing is emerging rapidly as part of latest developments in communication trends and technology. It brought revolution in today’s world among key stakeholders like service providers and consumers. As a result, Leading IT industries and consumers changed the traditional way of doing business and swiftly started moving towards cloud computing technologies to lessen the burden of cost among consumers in a tailored fashion. The key challenge is how secure is the user information stored in the cloud and the mechanism to establish the information shared is to the responsible designated or authorized users as per the service agreement. To address this concern, in this paper we proposed the design with an aim of distributed accountability among key stakeholders like cloud service providers who store and manage the information, the owner who uploads the information into the cloud and the users who download the information as per the access polices. The owner will store the information in encrypted form using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption techniques, the service providers will ensure the users who register with cloud are identified and are allowed to download information if the identity is established. The cloud user is allowed to download the information once the process is followed and access controls are satisfied. For every information download request, the information will be decrypted on fly and also log will be generation in encrypted form. Owner will download the log periodically and decrypt it to get the downloaded details about the users. By periodic audits, we can ensure the information stored in the cloud is used judiciously by the responsible stakeholders as per the service level agreements.
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Cloud, Accountability, Security, Encryption, Data Sharing