An Imperial Investigation of Validation Problem of Top Indian Websites
Rishabh Chambial , Swati Sharma."An Imperial Investigation of Validation Problem of Top Indian Websites". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V9(1):36-40, March 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
This paper results the report of an experimental study on the validation problem of the web pages developed by the web developers. It is found that there are very few web pages which are “VALID” and most of them are “INVALID” in any way. An invalid web page can be invalid due to many errors which are discussed in this paper. This paper uses the “W3C Validation” tool which is used to check the validations of the web pages. These web pages are of INDIA domains and are mostly used in our day to day life like facebook, orkut, rediff, irctc, hindu etc. This paper will help the standard bodies, browser developers and web page designers to work together so that the number of valid web pages continues to grow and the Web can indeed reach its full potential.
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