Survey on Security Issues and Solutions in Cloud Computing
D.Gnanavelu , Dr. G.Gunasekaran. "Survey on Security Issues and Solutions in Cloud Computing". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V8(3):126-130, February 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Cloud computing is a combination of several key technologies that have evolved and matured over the years. Cloud computing has a potential for cost savings to the enterprises but the security risk are also enormous. Cloud computing weakness include list of issues such as the security and privacy of business data being hosted in remote 3rd party data centers, being lock-in to a platform, reliability/performance concerns, and the fears of making the wrong decision before the industry begins to mature. We show Successful implementation of cloud computing in an enterprise requires proper planning and understanding of emerging risks, threats and possible countermeasures. This paper show how we secure the cloud security, privacy and reliability when a third party is processing sensitive data. In this paper, we have discussed security risks and concerns in cloud computing and enlightened steps that an enterprise can take to reduce security risks and protect their resources.
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Cloud Computing, Risk, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, Security, Quality Assurance.