Contribution of Pedagogical Scripting-Mediatization-Mediation to the Effectiveness of Online Learning System |
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© 2023 by IJCTT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-6 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Authors : Nisrine El Mrani, Mohamed Khaldi | ||
DOI : 10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V71I6P105 |
How to Cite?
Nisrine El Mrani, Mohamed Khaldi, "Contribution of Pedagogical Scripting-Mediatization-Mediation to the Effectiveness of Online Learning System," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 30-34, 2023. Crossref,
In times of the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers have faced various difficulties due to the rapid transition to distance learning, including the complexity of designing and mediatizing effective online learning systems. Confronted by this complexity, innovation in the design and development practices of these learning environments is crucial, especially after the health crisis and the 4th industrial revolution, which involve the use of new information and communication technologies and changes in teaching modalities. The objective of this article is to present a detailed description of the research methodology of our thesis, the research questions, the hypothesis, the problem and the objectives of the project. In this work, we assume that integrating mediatization-mediation in pedagogical scripting will contribute to designing and producing effective online learning systems. In conclusion, the quality of these systems will be greatly enhanced by the improvement of pedagogical scripting and mediatization.
Mediation, Mediatization, Online learning system, Pedagogical scripting, Technologies.
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