Revolutionizing HR: The Role and Potential of Chatbots in Human Capital Management |
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© 2023 by IJCTT Journal | ||
Volume-71 Issue-3 |
Year of Publication : 2023 | ||
Authors : Siddharth Sharma | ||
DOI : 10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V71I3P107 |
How to Cite?
Siddharth Sharma, "Revolutionizing HR: The Role and Potential of Chatbots in Human Capital Management," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 41-49, 2023. Crossref,
In the modern and dynamic business environment, enterprises continuously explore ways to streamline their HR processes and increase productivity. Chatbots have a transformational potential in Human Capital Management (HCM) by automating and simplifying tasks across various domains, including recruiting, onboarding, core HR, absence management, benefits, performance management, and employee self-service. The implementation of chatbots enhances efficiency, minimizes human error, and improves the user experience for candidates, employees, and hiring managers throughout the recruitment process, onboarding, and daily HR tasks. The article outlines the lifecycle of chatbot implementation in HCM, emphasizing the importance of identifying use cases, design and development, training and testing, deployment, monitoring and evaluation, continuous improvement, scope review, and maintenance. It also discusses the necessity of conducting a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the feasibility and return on investment (ROI) of chatbot implementation, considering factors such as future transaction growth, inflation, performance, maintenance costs, and chatbot accuracy and maturity. Despite the potential benefits, the article acknowledges challenges and limitations associated with chatbot implementation in HCM, including limited understanding and context, integration with existing systems, data privacy and security concerns, user adoption, language, and cultural barriers, maintaining a balance between automation and human touch, constant updates and maintenance, training, and development, initial costs and ROI, and scalability. By addressing these challenges and capitalizing on the advantages of chatbots, organizations have the potential to significantly enhance their management of human resources and revolutionize HCM processes.
Human Capital Management, Human Resource Information System, Human Resource Management, Chatbot in Human Resource, Technology Trend in HR, Digital Employee Experience, HCM Digital Transformation.
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