Advanced Accident Avoidance System for Automobiles

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© - December Issue 2013 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-6 Issue-2                           
Year of Publication : 2013
Authors :T.U.Anand Santhosh Kumar , J. Mrudula


T.U.Anand Santhosh Kumar , J. Mrudula"Advanced Accident Avoidance System for Automobiles"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V6(2):79-83 December Issue 2013 .ISSN Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.

Abstract:- -the objective of this project is to efficiently avoid the collision of automobile vehicles and to provide a greatest security to the users in adverse or in bad weather conditions by using Collision Avoidance System (CAS). In bad weather conditions it is very hard to drive automobiles as smooth as in regular conditions. Generally most of the accidents are occurred due to this bad weather conditions only. Therefore in this paper we propose a systematic architecture to avoid the early accidents which are mostly possible due to bad weather conditions and as well as due to asynchronous speed among the vehicles. In our proposed method the relative speed and distance of all the vehicles around a particular vehicle is estimated using IR sensors and Ultrasonic sensors and based on those results the speed of that particular vehicle is controlled to avoid early collisions. Besides this facility we also provide an accident detection system which detects the accidents and by using GPS and GSM we send the information of the location of the accident place to the police station and relatives, which is most useful information to save the persons.


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Keywords:-Collision Avoidance system, IR and Ultrasonic sensor, vibration sensor, GPS and GSM