An IoT Based Driver Assistance System to Detect and Notify the Presence of Potholes and Humps on Roads
MLA Style:Ganga Holi, Rachna Rao"An IoT Based Driver Assistance System to Detect and Notify the Presence of Potholes and Humps on Roads" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.5 (2019):146-150.
APA Style: Ganga Holi, Rachna Rao (2019) An IoT Based Driver Assistance System to Detect and Notify the Presence of Potholes and Humps on Roads International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(5), 146-150.
One of the prime reasons for vehicular accidents is due to undetected potholes and road humps. Potholes force vehicles to slow down in places where the speed of vehicles may be expected to be higher, drivers do not expect to slow down and end up crashing into other vehicles. Some potholes go unattended for several weeks and get deeper with time, so much so that vehicular damage increases by just passing over the pothole. Several lives are lost each year due to pavement distress, and it is high time for a cost-efficient solution to this problem so that it can be implemented immediately. This paper provides a prototype of an IoT based pothole and hump detection system that can be integrated with the vehicle and provide timely information to maintenance authorities so that necessary steps can be taken for safety of drivers.
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IoT, NodeMCU, ultrasonic sensor, FSR.