DevOps Automation Advances I.T. Sectors with the Strategy of Release Management
MLA Style:Sikender Mohsienuddin Mohammad "DevOps Automation Advances I.T. Sectors with the Strategy of Release Management" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.12 (2019):82-88.
APA Style Sikender Mohsienuddin Mohammad. DevOps Automation Advances I.T. Sectors with the Strategy of Release Management International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(12),82-88.
This Development of software release is the systematic process, planning, designing, and monitoring software through different phases and settings; testing and delivery of software releases included. Traditional models, such as incremental/ iterative and ad-hoc approaches, do not fulfill today`s demanding customers or I.T. companies. New methods, such as agile software creation and the continuous implementation of DevOps, occur. The research problem for this study is to understand how development and operations automation leads to improving the strategies in release management and easing operations for the I.T. sector (Slack et al., 2018). DevOps and Agile are equally beneficial to faster implementation of working functions in development. Continuous Delivery and DevOps primarily seek to provide quicker and more frequent, more stable applications to meet consumer and company needs (Verona et al., 2016). This paper provides an overview of the development of software release management, from conventional methods to agile and product development via DevOps. This study demonstrates how automation in software release management advances the strategies in the I.T. sector and ease the operations both in time and in effect to meet information system’s needs. A review of the literature will be conducted to build a robust evidence-based study on the research problem. Based on what many scholars have found out in their various studies, there is a strong correlation between improved automation and the ease of operations in release management to meet the I.T. needs. This DevOps study aims to explore the benefits of automation advancement for I.T. stakeholders and operating teams to make it easier for emerging technologies to move from initiation to completion of its operations. On a small scale, the advancement of automation is improved by alternating between infrastructure and design. More organized methods, such as CD, are generally needed in large organizations. The most advanced breakthroughs to enhance the reliability of software development in large companies are usually the application of these concepts on a scale, and it should be the focus of any significant transformation (Kim et al., 2016). The software development life cycle and its release management are seen as a painstaking process, because the available resources and time in one software release may not generally meet all requirements. However, the method enables I.T., stakeholders, based on each release restriction, to reach sections of their operational needs for product releases. There are several obstacles to the planning and review process, making it one of the most common problems in software demand engineering.
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Strategy, Release Management, DevOps Automation