Making Digital Artifacts On The Web Verifiable and Reliable By Using Cryptographic Hash Key

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2019 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-11
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Naseema Shaik, Noha Abdullah ayedalshahrani, Afnan saadalali,Amjad mohammedsaad Alqahtani, Salhasaeedhedan
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V67I11P106


MLA Style:Naseema Shaik, Noha Abdullah ayedalshahrani, Afnan saadalali,Amjad mohammedsaad Alqahtani, Salhasaeedhedan "Making Digital Artifacts On The Web Verifiable and Reliable By Using Cryptographic Hash Key," International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 67.11 (2019):38-41.

APA Style Naseema Shaik, Noha Abdullah ayedalshahrani, Afnan saadalali,Amjad mohammedsaad Alqahtani, Salhasaeedhedan. Making Digital Artifacts On The Web Verifiable and Reliable By Using Cryptographic Hash Key  International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 67(11),38-41.

Currently we used single server to making digital artifacts and we are increasing burden to the server. To making digital resources on the web verifiable, immutable, as well as permanent, we have several techniques to comprise cryptographic hash values in URIs such as called as trusty URIs. At present the problems which we are facing are, there is no reliable standard procedure of verifying whether a received file truly represents the correct as well as original state of that artefact and by using single server to making digital artefacts and we are increasing burden to the server. In this paper we exhibit how the substance of these records get to be one of a kind. Our implementation holds good for the all levels in the Web, for example, transparent and fragmented engineering, which is completely good for present conventional models.

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Sematic Web, Nanopublications, Trusty URI’s, Digital Technology.