A Novel Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocol for MANET with Related Metrics
MLA Style: M.V.Rajesh, Dr.T.V.S.Gireendranath, Dr. J.V.R.Murthy "A Novel Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocol for MANET with Related Metrics" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 65.1 (2018): 29-38.
APA Style:M.V.Rajesh, Dr.T.V.S.Gireendranath, Dr. J.V.R.Murthy (2018). A Novel Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocol for MANET with Related Metrics. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 65(1), 29-38.
With the growth of Mobile Ad-hoc network communications, the need for recent research to moving towards the better and capable routing protocols. The efficiency of the routing protocols depends on the metrics as communication cost, packet delivery, energy consumption, delay, throughput, packet loss. Nevertheless, due to the nature of battery power devices in the network for MANET and WSN, the power consumption of the routing protocols also to be consider for the betterment of the routing algorithms. Henceforth the applicability of the energy efficiency became the one of the most important criteria for performance evaluation. Thus, this work evaluates the performance of fish-eye state routing algorithm, order-one Manet protocol and cluster based routing protocol. The outcome of this work is to advise a novel cluster based algorithm with low energy consumption and evaluate improvement over the earlier system with all the above said metrics.
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