Mobile Base Learning Application for Campus on Android Platform, Case Study- University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© 2018 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-62 Number-1
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Kundan Kumar, Cherono Chepkwony
DOI :  10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V62P105


MLA Style: Kundan Kumar, Cherono Chepkwony "Mobile Base Learning Application for Campus on Android Platform, Case Study- University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 62.1 (2018): 35-39.

APA Style:Kundan Kumar, Cherono Chepkwony (2018). Mobile Base Learning Application for Campus on Android Platform, Case Study- University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 62(1), 35-39.

Most students of University of Tourism Technology and Business Studies are struggling with the accessing class teachers’ study material and self-assessment from e-learning platform without having Internet. The researchers used qualitative methods using an observation and an interview. The researchers used qualitative methods by conducting an interview with the students of UTB. An observation was also used to get first-hand information on the access of learning material from e-learning platform. A prototype was designed and distributed between students of data mining course in order to get their feedback. There was 388 BIT Students Population. To conducts research, Slovin’s formula was applied where researcher found 20 BIT Students as a sample size. Prototype of a mobile-based learning application was developed on Android Platform using Java programming language and distributed among students for feedback. Students were interviewed whoever had an experience of distributed prototype. Interview response was analysed by using Microsoft excel. The finding was on use of mobile-based learning could be one of the best modules of blended learning technique. The researchers recommend to university of tourism technology and business studies to integrate it with their e-learning platform. This mobile learning application intends to supplement the current traditional classroom and e-learning systems. It makes learners at any time at any place they want to get the knowledge without having Internet in their android mobile device. Future researchers may link between mobile based learning application and other aspects of e-learning platform.

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Mobile Learning, Android Platform, Java Programming Language, Mobile Learning Application, without having Internet, eLearning