Secure Multimodal Biometric Authentication System against Spoofing Attacks
MLA Style: S.G.Adlin Nisha, Dr.M.K.Jeyakumar "Secure Multimodal Biometric Authentication System against Spoofing Attacks" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 62.1 (2018): 30-34.
APA Style:S.G.Adlin Nisha, Dr.M.K.Jeyakumar (2018). Secure Multimodal Biometric Authentication System against Spoofing Attacks. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 62(1), 30-34.
Anti-spoofing is appealing rising attention in biometrics, since the variation of imposter resources and fresh incomes to attack biometric recognition schemes. Different unnoticed things incessantly test state-of-the-art spoofing sensors, signifying for further methodical methods to goal anti-spoofing. By integrating liveness marks hooked on the biometric synthesis development, credit accurateness container remain improved, nonetheless likelihood ratio founded synthesis algorithms are identified to be extremely searching to only spoofed cases. In this research, address the safety of multimodal biometric schemes when one and only of the methods is positively spoofed. Here propose dual novel fusion schemes that can upsurge the safety of multimodal biometric schemes. The beginning is the extension of the likelihood ratio based fusion scheme and the further uses fuzzy logic. Also the matching score and taster excellence score, our proposed fusion schemes also take into explanation the intrinsic safety of each biometric scheme being bonded. New consequences have exposed that the proposed approaches are more robust against spoof attacks when likened with traditional fusion approaches.
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Presentation attacks, safe multibiometric fusion, Biometrics, security.