Improving State Invariant Test Oracle Strategy using Mutation Analysis
MLA Style: M. Venkata Hari Prakash, Dr.A.Ananda Rao , Dr. P. Radhika Raju "Improving State Invariant Test Oracle Strategy using Mutation Analysis" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 61.2 (2018):111-116.
APA Style:M. Venkata Hari Prakash, Dr.A.Ananda Rao , Dr. P. Radhika Raju (2018). Improving State Invariant Test Oracle Strategy using Mutation Analysis International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 61(2),111-116
A model should be designed with some specification languages. Such specification languages are transformed from the customer requirements to testable requirements. In model-based testing, abstract tests are generated from the UML model. These abstracts tests are transformed into the concrete tests with test inputs and to check the outputs with test oracles. This research mainly focused on possibility of the failures and exhibits the failures. In this research, the state invariants of the model are identified. State invariants are detected from the state machine diagram. The test oracles are measured in two parameters: precision and frequency. The mutants are generated from the test data. The mutant’s reports are generated from the test case. In agile process, the test oracles are always not available because requirements are frequently changed. This research specifies generation of few adequate mappings, because instead of generating more inadequate mappings.The test cases are utilized to kill the generated mutants whenever the behaviour of the system changes.
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Coverage Criterion, Model-based Testing, State Invariants, Test Oracles, Test Oracle Strategy