Car and Motorcycle Washing Service with Home Washing and Pick up Service Washing Based on WEB at RAN Carwash
MLA Style: Gifari Ahmad Fauzan, Ariyani Wardhana "Car and Motorcycle Washing Service with Home Washing and Pick up Service Washing Based on WEB at RAN Carwash" International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology 61.2 (2018):74-86.
APA Style:Gifari Ahmad Fauzan, Ariyani Wardhana (2018). Car and Motorcycle Washing Service with Home Washing and Pick up Service Washing Based on WEB at RAN Carwash. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 61(2),74-86
Along with the development of technology and information, various service providers are competing in improving the service, both system and service process. It is a must considering the many business competition in the field of services, from small service, medium and large competition. All of them must have innovation as the selling point, especially in the field of vehicle washing. Increased sales of motorcycles and cars are making more and more carwash service providers, especially in tropical climates, in the rainy season making the demand for vehicle washing services increasing as well. The number of requests is also based on the busyness of everyone who is required to do a lot of doing many activities at one time. Very unfortunate number of activities performed in one time that one of them only to wash the vehicle.
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carwash, home service, pick-up service, web.