Tasks Scheduling with Heterogeneity System in the Cloud Computing using ACO Algorithm
Mrs. Nahla Ahmed farag, Prof. Ramesh Babu Inampudi "Tasks Scheduling with Heterogeneity System in the Cloud Computing using ACO Algorithm". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V60(2):106-110 June 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
In Cloud computing the resources are managed dynamically based on the need and demand for resources for the task. Task scheduling is a serious problem in the cloud computing that needs to be optimized. Several research studies have been conducted to improve cloud computing task scheduling using Ant algorithms. In this paper, a cloud task scheduling called Classify Ant Colony Optimization (CACO) algorithm compared with the traditional Ant Colony Optimization(ACO) algorithms to present the dynamic allocation of resources under fourcategories time,cost,cost-time, time-costand the ways each of this scheduling algorithm adapts to handle the load and have high-performance computing, therefore paper focuses on the concept that at every decision point an ant decides which task to schedule and where to map it. The experimental results show that the proposed (CACO) algorithm can effectively achieve good performance, load balancing, and improve the resource utilization.
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Task Scheduling, Ant Colony Optimization(ACO.