A Novel SCMAC Protocol for Vehicular Network to Access Control Channel
S.J.Sujitha ,Dr.U.Kumaran, Mr. J. P. Jayan "A Novel SCMAC Protocol for Vehicular Network to Access Control Channel". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V60(1):35-40 June 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
A multiple number of queries from the user are processed by the server nowadays. A secure query processing in data sharing is a major issue. It is necessary to secure the data sharing scheme. There are several techniques that are implemented to overcome this issue. Thus the traditional system implemented is a data sharing by third party. The third party channel is used to transmit the data from the data owner is used to ask the information from the user. Here the privacy is not preserved and the data user must provide the secrecy information the information stored in the third party channel. This leads to lots of misbehaving activities. This should be concern and then overcome in the proposed system. The proposed model consists of different techniques to design the model to overcome the issue. The propose model is designed with server which is referred as data owner. Data owner is supposed to store lots of data in the server. Generate lots of user to fetch the data from the data owner and then the party channel client is implemented as the intermediate between the server and the user. Data owner provides a Secure ID to the registered user. Now the registered user information is only view to the data owner. The client login is not possible in this mechanism. User gives the ID to the client, and then the query is stored with the basic mechanism. After that client side do the formation of Count, Sum and maximum. This is used to find the same query and grouped as one. Then the aggregate query is then sending to the server. The server is then used to transmit the response regarding with the same ID is masked and transmitted to the client. The clients view the response and then processed with query request. Thus the user information and their privacy details are protected using the proposed mechanism.
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Collision , Reliability Comparison , Average Beaconing Periods , Average Access Time