Database Based Validation of Union of Two Multigranular Rough Sets
![]() | International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) | ![]() |
© - November Issue 2013 by IJCTT Journal | ||
Volume-5 Issue-5 | ||
Year of Publication : 2013 | ||
Authors :R. Raghavan |
R. Raghavan"IDatabase Based Validation of Union of Two Multigranular Rough Sets"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V5(5):236-242 November Issue 2013 .ISSN Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract:- Most of the traditional tools for undertaking modeling, reasoning and other computing are found not only crisp but also highly deterministic and more precise in character which usually limits their applicability in real life situations led to the extension of the concept of crisp sets so as to model imprecise data and hence enhance their modeling capacity. One such method used to capture impreciseness was carried out by Pawlak who introduced the idea of rough sets, which is found to be an excellent tool to capture impreciseness in data. Several extensions have been made in different directions in order to improve the modeling capacity of the basic rough sets. One among such extension is rough set model based on multigranulations. Several fundamental properties of these types of rough sets have been studied . Pawlak introduced the types of rough sets in as an interesting characterization of rough sets by employing the ideas of lower and upper approximations of rough sets. There are two different ways of characterizing rough sets; the accuracy coefficient and the topological characterization introduced through the notion of types. As referred by Pawlak himself, in general rough sets by knowing the accuracy of a set, we were still unable to tell exactly its topological structure and also the present knowledge about the topological structure of the set gives no information about its accuracy. Therefore in practical applications of rough sets we combine both kinds of information about the borderline region, that is of the accuracy measure as well as the information about the topological classification of the set under consideration. Keeping this in mind, Tripathy and Mitra [9] have studied the types of rough sets by finding out the types of union and intersection of rough sets of different types. Later Raghavan et al have extended these results to the multigranular context in [12]. In this work I provided the database based validated results for the carried out results.
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Keywords :— Rough sets, multigranular rough sets ,database , topological property.