Effective Segmentation in Plain woven Fabric Defect Detection by using Digital Image Processing
S.Sahaya Tamil Selvi, Dr.G.M.Nasira "Effective Segmentation in Plain woven Fabric Defect Detection by using Digital Image Processing". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V59(1):8-14, May 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Quality control is an important issue in the garments industry. In the past two decades during which computer vision based inspection has become one of the most important application areas. Fabric industry is one of the most important field in identifying defects or flaws. But these days lot of work can be done on to remove defects in images of fabric in fabric industry and calculate defective areas in fabric images more precisely. This paper proposes, a user friendly MATLAB based graphical user interface (GUI) that segments the defected area of a fabric image using Entropy filter method. From the segmented image, features of defected area such as area, entropy, standard deviation, smoothness, skewness, GLCM, max intensity, min intensity, mean, standard deviation and energy are calculated, for classification of images as defected or not. Also accuracy, specificity and sensitivity are calculated with respective to ground truth, for the performance evaluation. The GUI is implemented satisfactorily using MATLAB.
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Fabric defect, Entropy filtering, Standard deviation filtering, Range filtering, Segmentation, True positive, True Negative, Sensitivity