MESH Encryption : A Multifarious Synchronized Haze
Akshay R, Persis Urbana Ivy B, Shanmugapriya S, Anandha Vishnu P "MESH Encryption : A Multifarious Synchronized Haze". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V57(1):29-34, March 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Information is not secure in this eon since any attacker can compromise a system and get access to it.. In this paper .In order to make communications secure a randomized model of encryption with key Meshing is proposed. Mesh encryption uses randomization for encrypting the plaintext into ciphers using private symmetric keys and set of preset tables.This is a stream cipher algorithm . This randomization makes the cryptanalysis exhausting on extant attacks such as ciphertext attacks brute force attacks, chosen ciphertext, digrams and trigrams attacks,. This algorithm uses different layers of encryption and the labyrinth of these layers are also non aligned. This is achieved by creating a puzzle that dynamically repositions itself. Thus making the ciphertext formed after each transmission vary and will result in distinct ciphers after each transmission. In addition to that the length of plaintext and ciphertext is analogous, the transposition occurs in bit level in irregular fashion, increasing the complexity for cryptanalysis.It also makes private one to one communications safer. It can be applied in militant applications, hospital, commerce where data security and privacy is of concern.
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Private Key encryption, Key Generation, Arbitrary Key(AK), Base Key(BK), Transmitted Key(TK), Meshing Key(MK), Special Character Cipher(SCC), Anagram(AG), Numeric Cipher(NCC), AlphaNumeric Cipher(ANC), Alphabet Cipher(AC), Mesh Splitter(MS), Arbitrary Slicer(AS).