Prediction of Rabbit Population with Computer Application using Biotechnology
Olagunju, M., Adeniyi, A. E. and Oladele, T. O. "Prediction of Rabbit Population with Computer Application using Biotechnology". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V57(1):11-18, March 2018. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Over the decades biotechnology leading to bioinformatics has been an area of concern for scientists using Information and Communication Technology devices in different areas. Many researchers find it difficult to project the population of some species of organisms and animals.Some have devised crude methods and some have made some reasonable assumptions and thereby coming up with different conclusions. For the purpose of this research the researcher has tried to collect the total number of population for particular specie of rabbit.This was thenmodelled into an equation using an exponential function and also developed an application program with C-Sharp(C#) Programming Language which uses the exponential function to project the population of rabbit over a maximum period of ten years. This can help researchers and organizations like National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA) to build and bank on the information gotten from this process of projection. It follows that if this system is implemented with the appropriate tools that it requires, all Biotechnology Agencies can use and draw up their analysis because of its reliability and consistency.
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Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Organism, Specie, Prediction.