A New Cellular Automata Model for Two Lane Traffic System Incorporating Sensitive Driving and Traffic Light Signals
![]() | International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) | ![]() |
© - August Issue 2013 by IJCTT Journal | ||
Volume-4 Issue-8 | ||
Year of Publication : 2013 | ||
Authors :Saima Zia, Mudassar Ahmad |
Saima Zia, Mudassar Ahmad "A New Cellular Automata Model for Two Lane Traffic System Incorporating Sensitive Driving and Traffic Light Signals"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V4(8):2407-2410 August Issue 2013 .ISSN 2231-2803.www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract:- Increasing human population causes rise in many problems and huge traffic on the roads. Many techniques have been used in past to model the traffic flow specially on roads of big cities. Cellular Automata (CA) based models are the best ones to represent the traffic flow in a very realistic way by taking into account the behaviour of individual vehicles. By using CA, different types of traffic flows have been modelled i.e., single-lane traffic, two-lane traffic, sensitive driving in two-lane etc. But now a days traffic lights are essential part of traffic system, so a new model is required which can encompass not only sensitive driving in two-lane but can also take into account the behaviour of vehicles in the presence of traffic lights. In this paper a new novel model is presented for two-lane traffic which incorporates the behaviour of vehicles when traffic light signals are part of traffic system. Proposed model is an enhancement of cellular automata model for two lane traffic based on anticipation effects, information interaction and sensitive driving.
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Keywords : — -Cellular Automata, Two Lane Model,