Comparative Study of Speech Encryption Algorithms Using Mobile Applications

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© - July Issue 2013 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-4 Issue-7                           
Year of Publication : 2013
Authors :Jaspreet kaur, Er. Kanwal preet Singh


Jaspreet kaur, Er. Kanwal preet Singh"Comparative Study of Speech Encryption Algorithms Using Mobile Applications"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V4(7):2346-2350 July Issue 2013 .ISSN Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.

Abstract:- Speech communication is most popular now days. Everyone wants secure communication that’s way use encrypts and decrypt data scheme. It is basically used for military and business purpose. People want high security level during their communication..The numbers of algorithms are used for speech encryption and decryption. However in this paper the work is done on three different kinds of algorithms i.e. NTRU, RSA and RINJDAEL these three popular algorithms are used for speech encryption and decryption approach. Basically NTRU and RSA algorithms are asymmetric in nature and RINJDAEL algorithm is symmetric in nature. In speech encryption, first the speech is converted into text then further the text is converted into cipher text. The cipher text is sent to be particular receiver in which transmitter want to communicate. At the receiver end, receiver receives the original data through decryption process. At the end the performance is analyzed of these three approaches respectively. The parameters calculated are Encryption, Decryption and Delay time, complexity, and packet lost, Security level. In this three approaches, Encryption, decryption and delay time, are varying according to the number of bits per seconds. On the Other hand, complexity and packet lost are approximately same. There is no packet lost during transmitting and receiving the data. After the analysis of these three algorithms, The NTRU algorithm is faster in encryption and decryption time than others algorithms. The security level are very high than other algorithms. The android platform are used for these three algorithm to find the results in which algorithm took less time for encrypt or decrypt the data and help to evaluate the performance in speech encryption algorithms.


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Keywords : — NTRU, RSA and RINJDAEL algorithms, Speech cryptography.