The Impact of Harmattan Particles on Microwave Propagation in the Savannah Region
D. D. Dajab, Naldongar Parfait, E.A. Adedokun "The Impact of Harmattan Particles on Microwave Propagation in the Savannah Region". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V29(1):40-45, October 2015. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Harmattan intensity may be so great that visibility at ground level is reduced to less than a
hundred meters by the dust clusters. The precipitations like snow, rain absorb and scatter
electromagnetic energy leading to cancellation in its signal strength. In this paper, the records of
ground level visibility during harmattan will be analyzed with respect to the approximated particle
rate (or density) of harmattan. The specific particle attenuation possible on radio frequency
signals during harmattan was analyzed, computed and plotted results obtained. The attenuation
variations obtained indicates a significant loss in power during harmattan periods.
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