Evaluating Efficacy of Forward Error Correction Coding

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT)          
© July to Aug Issue 2011 by IJCTT Journal
Volume-1 Issue-3                           
Year of Publication : 2011
Authors : K.Supraja, ,A. Srinivasa Reddy, R. Lakshmi Tulasi..


K.Supraja, ,A. Srinivasa Reddy, R. Lakshmi Tulasi. "Evaluating Efficacy of Forward Error Correction Coding"International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT),V1(3):269-276 July to Aug Issue 2011 .ISSN 2231-2803.www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.

Abstract: ——In this paper we are going to evaluate the efficacy of FEC coding. To evaluate it we are going to transfer data from Source to Destination. Before receiving the data in the Destination we create packet loss in Queue. Thus after creating packet loss, we receive the remaining packets in the Destination. Then we recover the lost Packets in the Destination and evaluate FEC’s performance.


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