A Novel Integrated Approach for Big Data Mining
Ritu Katarha, Hareram Shah "A Novel Integrated Approach for Big Data Mining". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V18(5):195-198, Dec 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. www.ijcttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
The growing volume of digital internet of things is fuelling it even extra. The rate of data increase is surprising and this information comes at a speed, with diversity which is not necessarily structured. Ability to examine this massive amount of data is bringing a new age of productivity growth, novelty and consumer surplus. Data analysis, organization, retrieval, and modeling are other foundational challenges. Data analysis is a clear bottleneck in many applications, both due to lack of scalability of the underlying algorithms and due to the complexity of the data that needs to be analyzed. Finally, presentation of the results and its interpretation by non-technical domain experts is crucial to extracting actionable knowledge. By integrating data mining and cloud computing in IDMCC provides quick access to technology. The outcome of this integration is strong and capacitive platform that will be able to deal with the increasing production of data, or that will generate the situation for the proficient mining of big amount of data from diverse data storehouses with the intend of creating helpful information or the creation of innovative knowledge. This paper deals with the learning of how data mining is used in cloud computing.
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Big Data Mining, Integrated Data and Cloud Computing – IDMCC