An Approach To Understand Human Behaviour Pattern
Mereen Thomas Vadakkel."An Approach To Understand Human Behaviour Pattern". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V12(1):37-40, June 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Mining Human Interaction in Meetings helps to identify how a person reacts in different situations. Nature of the person is represented through behaviour and mining technique helps to analyze the opinion a person exhibits. Discovering semantic knowledge is significant for understanding and interpreting how people interact in a meeting discussion. Patterns of human interaction is extracted from the minutes of the meetings. Different Human interactions, such as proposing an idea, giving comments, and acknowledgements, indicate user intention toward a topic or role in a discussion. To further understand and interpret human interactions in meetings, we need to discover higher level semantic knowledge about them, such as which interaction often occur in a discussion, what interaction flow a discussion usually follow, and what relationship exist among interactions. This knowledge describe important patterns of interaction. Based on the human interaction the behavior of the members are identified and people of similar nature are grouped together.
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Human interaction, interaction pattern, meeting.