Nature Inspired Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks: Using Duty-Cycled Wake-up Scheduling Swarm Intelligence
Rajesh SL , Dr. Somashekhar C Desai. Deshpande. "Nature Inspired Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks: Using Duty-Cycled Wake-up Scheduling Swarm Intelligence". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V10(5):262-266 Apr 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
The most Wireless sensors are battery powered, limited energy capacity computing devices, so it is necessary for them to use their battery resources efficiently. Existing power-saving protocols achieve power saving by putting sensor nodes to sleep periodically. The mechanism of Regular sleep/awake fails to adjust a sensor node`s sleep duration based on its traffic load, thus causing either lower power efficiency or higher latency. The model proposed is based on the nature inspired energy efficient technique of the Polar Bears which survive for more than 6 months without food in winter. In order to save energy consumption in idle states, low duty-cycled operation is used in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), where each node periodically switches between sleeping mode and awake mode.
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Duty cycle, Energy consumption, Sleep/ Wake, Wireless Sensor Networks WSN