The Development of Web Based Expert System for Diagnosing Children Diseases Using PHP and MySQL
Hustinawaty , Randy Aprianggi."The Development of Web Based Expert System for Diagnosing Children Diseases Using PHP and MySQL". International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) V10(4):197-202, Apr 2014. ISSN:2231-2803. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
Abstract -
Children are still developing their immune system, so they are very fragile with the threat virus and bacteria. Thus, the sudden health drops are common, yet very often still causing panic and frustration for parents. Mostly parents will go to the doctor practitioner to consult. However, this effort is often challenged by distance and time, especially to book a meeting with busy doctor or allocate a schedule for busy parents. As the impact of technological advancement in this era, the transfer of medical expert to computer system has been enabled through an expert system. The expert system was developed by using the PHP as the web programming language and MySQL as the databases. The web based expert system enables user to diagnose the children’s diseases anytime and anywhere, just by accessing the internet. The method employed is certainty factor method. The diagnosis process will be done by filling the checklists of symptoms on the consultation page based on observation toward the patient. The inputs will be processed by using production rules in accordance to the science and the knowledge of the expert, in this case doctor as medical practitioner. The result of the diagnosis process showed the diseases that has the biggest score in certainty factor calculation, based on the symptoms that observed by the user. Based on the testing of certainty factor calculation to the 10 users, the success rate was 100 percent.
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Certainty Factor, Children, Diseases, Expert System